Rhody Restored! Acid Lovers Love John and Bob's!
We got a wonderful letter from a happy customer who revived his Rhododendron with John and Bob's. Here's his story: Additional sunlight and John and Bob's Grow Green revitalized my old Rhododendron bush. Many years spent growing in the shade and nutrient-depleted ground next to a 40 ft. tall Colorado Blue Spruce had taken its toll on my Rhody.
Its long, lean limbs bore little foliage and even fewer blooms - rendering it Dr. Seuss-like in appearance. Over the ten years my wife and I have lived in our current home we had debated several times whether or not to remove the scrawny, gangly Rhody and put it out of its misery. The Rhody got a welcomed 'stay-of-execution' when for multiple reasons the Colorado Blue Spruce had to be removed. Removing the tree introduced additional sunlight for the Rhody and an additional 20 x 20 ft. space for a new vegetable garden! For three seasons now I've been applying John and Bob's Grow Green to my garden areas (roses, raspberries, and vegetables) with phenomenal results. We've enjoyed increased yields and growth on everything, especially on our tomatoes!