Organic Fertilizer
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Our premium organic fertilizer is NOURISH-BIOSOL. It is a plant based mycelium from non GMO cultures of soy bean and cottonseed meal; it will never burn lawn or plants and has anti-fungal properties. Our secondary organic fertilizer, VALUE RICH, is a chicken manure based fertilizer and soil builder. VALUE RICH can be used on similar applications as NOURISH-BIOSOL at 10 to 15lbs per 1,000 sq ft.
OPTIMIZE PLUS is our organic fertilizer specially designed to nourish your indoor plants. Apply topically once a month to all your potted plants, no need to change your soil! 100% people and pet safe.

Organic Fertilizer
3 sizes

Value Rich
All-purpose organic fertilizer
1 size

Optimize Plus
Organic fertilizer for indoor plants
2 sizes