Organic Pest & Disease Control
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The first, and most effective, way to organically control pest and disease is to build your soil with lots of beneficial microbes. This can be accomplished with regular applications of our BLEND and PENETRATE. Plants with chronic aphid and whitefly infestations can benefit from an additional application of earth worm castings right over our BLEND, about 1/2 to 1 inch thick.
If after focusing on soil heath, pest and disease problems persist, we offer organic pesticide and fungicide products that do not harm your plants or soil. Use ENVIROREPEL 40, CITRAL BLAST, and ROSE & SOIL DEFENDER in the early morning or evening, while avoiding directly spraying beneficial insects.

Enviro-Repel 40
A safe and effective organic pesticide and repellant.
2 sizes

Citral Blast
Safe and effective organic fungus control.
2 sizes

Rose & Soil Defender
Safe and effective pest and fungus control specifically for roses.
2 sizes