What Should You Plant in the Summer: Zone 9
There is a season for everything, even in the heat of summer! Zone 9 summers are known to get quite hot, so hot that it often discourages gardeners from wanting to try to plant anything new. We think it’s time to set the record straight, and let you know that you CAN plant this summer! Here are 13 things you should be planting in your garden in the summer season.
Planting in July:
1. Okra
Okra is considered a “superfood!” It is high in zinc, vitamin A & C as well as having great fiber content. Be sure to space them 1 to 2 feet apart to give them room to grow!
2. Kale
Kale is full of beneficial nutrients and vitamins K, C and fiber. Plant Kale 3-5 weeks before the first frost of the year. Space kale 18-22 inches apart to allow room to grow in very rich & fertile soil.
3. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are a deliciously versatile veg! They are packed with Fiber, & Vitamins A, B & C and can be made into everything from french-fried, to baked or mashed just like a regular potato! It is best to plant sweet potatoes in the warm parts of the year as they are not tolerant to any frost. They take about 85 to 120 days to grow so planting in the late spring or summer is ideal!
4. Eggplant
Eggplants can be planted throughout the summer up until 14 weeks before your first fall frost. They are full of magnesium, potassium and calcium and are also rich in antioxidants!
Because of the expected heat, it’s best to start herbs as small starter plants if possible!
1. Rosemary
Wonderfully scented, can be used to cook with, is high in antioxidants, and can be used in oils or balms. This plant enjoys full sun and is quite hardy! When planting, space 2-3 feet apart as they can grow to quite large shrubs.
2. Basil
A Popular herb for good reason! It’s great to top pizza, or make fresh pesto with (See our video on Youtube for family recipe)- It’s high in vitamin K & A and carries high levels of antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties. Basil can help with things like digestion, and promote healthy skin. When planting, choose a spot that gets medium sun in fertile well-draining soil.
3. Oregano
A hearty & drought resistant herb! Oregano has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and is a delicious addition to many dishes!
4. Thyme
Thyme prefers full sun and well-draining soil. It is a flavorful anti-inflammatory herb, and is often used to season poultry, veggies, or soup!
Planting in July/August:
1. Cucumber
Cucumbers are an excellent late summer crop, and have more varieties than you might think. Sow seeds directly into garden beds and keep soil moist. Cucumbers can be pickled, put into salads, sandwiches and more! Harvest time for cucumbers is usually 8-10 weeks!
2. Collard Greens
Collards are easy to grow and are loaded with vitamins A, C & calcium! Collard greens should be planted in an area that gets full sun, in rich, well draining soil. Use John & Bob’s Maximize to take your soil from anemic to full of life!
3. Black Eyed Peas
Also known as ‘cowpeas’, these little legumes are an easy crop and are a rich source of fiber & antioxidants. Black eyed peas grow best when a trellis is available for it to climb on.
4. Squash
Squash is an easy, delicious, and quick crop to grow! Plant seeds anytime from late July to September and watch as they grow! Harvest usually takes about 7-8 weeks!
5. Pumpkins
It’s time to start on your Halloween and Thanksgiving pumpkins! Pumpkins are another easy grower, in zone 9 it is best to plant during mid July to August. Harvest time 15-20 weeks!
Don’t forget, before planting in-ground, improve your existing soil by mixing in compost or other rich organic matter. If you don’t have access to compost, we recommend using our 100% organic, people and pet safe soil amendments and fertilizers! It’s all the great organic benefits of composting right at your fingertips.