The Lasagna Method: Don't Till Your Soil!
Tilling the soil twice a year is a traditional method that most home gardeners don’t think twice about. The reality is that we can do harm to our soil by churning it up....
Read ArticleTilling the soil twice a year is a traditional method that most home gardeners don’t think twice about. The reality is that we can do harm to our soil by churning it up....
Read ArticleJust five minutes of exercise in a green nature setting can boost mood & self-esteem...
Read ArticleWhat if there was a way to avoid using chemical pesticides and fungicides while also preventing pests and diseases at the source?
Read ArticleThroughout my 36 years in the landscaping and gardening industry, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out ways to improve soil because that’s really the key to...
Read ArticleA popular gardening myth is that sand should be added to clay soil to improve it. This practice will turn clay soil into a rock hard, mortar like substance. A better choice to fundamentally change clay soil is...
Read ArticleThe diversity and abundance of life that exists in soil is greater than in any other ecosystem. Just a handful of soil can contain billions of different organisms...
Read Article“There’s a lot of different ways to do it. One of the nice things about the [product] line is it’s almost impossible to do it wrong. It’s not like it’s not going to work..."
Read Article75% of all insect pests spend part of their life cycle in the soil. The best way to combat them at the source is a soil rich with complex soil life, which contains natural enemies of insect pests. Many potential pests will...
Read ArticleMost gardeners have experienced the common problem of moss growing where we’d rather have lawn or other plantings flourish instead. There are a number of reasons for unwanted moss. Contrary to popular belief...
Read ArticleGardens should address the needs of people. Traditional landscaping with unused lawns doesn’t do this effectively...
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