Shop by Category
Organic Soil Amendments
Organic Soil Repair

Clay & Hard Soil Kit
A complete system to conquer your clay soil fast.
4 sizes

Sandy Soil Kit
A complete system to turn sandy soil into healthy, productive soil.
4 sizes

Lifeless Soil Kit
A complete system to add microbiological life to your soil.
4 sizes

Nature’s Gardening Kit
Improves all soil types
4 sizes
Organic Fertilizer
Organic Pest & Disease Control
Gardening Gifts

Rose Gardening Gift Pack
Our favorite quality tools plus our proven premixed soil amendment.
4 sizes

Tomato Gardening Gift Pack
The Tomato King, the late Steve Goto, recommended these special products for the sweetest & most prolific tomatoes.
1 size

Vegetable & Herb Gardening Gift Pack
Our Vegetable & Herb Gardening Gift Pack is the perfect gift for beginning or experienced gardeners.
4 sizes

Smart Gardening Gift Pack
Simple, quality tools along with everything needed to create healthy soil.
4 sizes